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this is my kingdom cum

One of these days we will eventually get this earlier leaked build
Deleted 1 year ago

I hope he will release it

I would if I did, but unfortunately I don't. There are some people on the website in the screenshot who have the build from what I assume, but it will probably be a while until there is someone who is willing to share the build.

I will try my best to somehow find someone who has the build though.

Some people are doing it too !


How do you know?

send me download link on google drive 



how do i unlock ripple

go on disruption and die and press esc boom there is ripple but it has no voice or inst

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how do i unlock the song called penis

die on Recovered Project and press ESC and Die on Corrupted File and press ESC and Die On IRREVERSIBLE ACTION and Press ESC!

(1 edit)

how do i add the vocals to ripple


can you find a build that comes with usb decimal and ripple inst and voices and old dale and old big dingle

there is ferocious idk how to play it tho

play as garrett on theft

It's been 1 year where have u been?

hey man do you still have d&b 2.1 i really like really need it for archival purposes

Sorry for the late response, i still have the build.

why is the GApple team bad

also pls do a github 


so like people can dig through the source code

There's no source code, you'll just have to wait and go through older commits when 1.5 releases

sky already dated cynda (zoophile)

wait I know im late but is cynda actually a zoophile??

yes, it's been a while 

There's even a doc but I lost it, I think it's on davecord's official server